USD 235 Eagle Mascot Logo


 Parents, Guardians, Patrons, and Students,

 I know this will sound a little blunt, but you will probably hear this from me several times this school year.  “Don’t mess this up for everyone!”  Our ultimate goal is to have 100% of our students in our classrooms for 100% of our scheduled school days this year.  Unfortunately, the actions of a single person can put that in jeopardy, so we need your help.

 Regardless of your beliefs surrounding the COVID-19 – Coronavirus Pandemic, it is important to understand that a single positive case amongst our student body or staff has the potential to shut our school doors and move everyone to either Hybrid or Remote Learning.  This potential shutdown could last days, weeks, and even months depending on the severity, level of spread, and number infected.  We don’t enjoy having to implement many of the precautions and safety measures we are implementing, but we need to do all we can to keep our classrooms open.  I believe we can all agree that it is better for everyone if our students are participating through in person learning in our buildings.  All other options will cause a hardship for everyone involved.

 With all of this in mind, we ask your help in the following:

  • We highly recommend you wear a mask anytime you are in our school buildings for any reason or any amount of time.  (We don’t like them either)
  • If you or your child are awaiting testing results, stay quarantined, do not enter the school.
  • If your child has a fever, keep them home.  Children must be fever free for 72 hours before returning to school.  We understand this is a burden on you, but if you send your child to school before that time is up, the potential for a building shut down for everyone is greater.
  • If your student has two or more of the following symptoms, please keep them home: a) fever or chills; b) shortness of breath or difficulty breathing; c) fatigue; d) cough; e) muscle or body aches; f) headache; g) new loss of taste or smell; h) sore throat; i) congestion or runny nose; j) nausea or vomiting; and k) diarrhea.
  • If you travel to any location that is designated a hotspot by the CDC, KDHE, or local health officials, please quarantine for the amount of time designated by those organizations.
  • If you are in contact during the incubation period (2 days prior to symptoms occurring to 14 days after confirmed test) with an individual that has tested positive, please contact local health care providers for guidance on quarantining.
  • Help your children make healthy decisions by keeping them away from large gatherings outside of school, help them follow good hygiene practices, and make sure they get plenty of sleep.
  • If requested, please submit to contact tracing by local health officials.  Proper contact tracing can help us get back in our classrooms faster if we are forced to close our doors.

Finally, Please Don’t Mess This Up For Everyone.  I know it is blunt, but none of us want to be the reason our school doors have to close.

Thank you,

Bret Howard, Superintendent-USD 235 Uniontown