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USD 235 Parents/Guardians,

I want to thank you for your time and efforts as we have worked together during these past months on the USD 235 Continuous Learning Plan.

The 2019-20 school year has officially come to a close.  It was great seeing so many of you on Thursday at our Technology/Textbook Check-In.  As of noon on Friday, May 22, we have had 185 of the 198 technology devices returned at WBE and 155 of the 167 devices returned at the JH/HS. 

Mr. Reith and Mr. Eden will be calling those who haven’t returned their devices to make arrangements for their return.  We need to have them returned so we can have our technology department go through them and get them ready for the 2020-21 school year.

Mrs. Mix is retiring as a Kindergarten teacher in USD 235.  I want to thank Mrs. Mix for sharing her love and passion for learning.  I congratulate Mrs. Mix on her outstanding teaching career and many years of caring for students in USD 235.  I hope she enjoys this next chapter in her life.  She will be missed.

Our last delivery day for meals in May was on Tuesday, May 19.  If you are interested in participating in the meal program when we resume in June, please call our Food Service Director Michelle DeMott at 620-238-4968 to sign up.  She will ask for some information of either a pick up point or your rural address for a delivery.  The first day for meals in June will be on June 2 and we will serve every Tuesday and Thursday through June 25.

We will continue placing information on our Facebook and Twitter accounts as well as our webpage.  Please visit www.uniontown235.org for our webpage.  You can also access our Social Media Accounts from the webpage.  There is an app available to download to any smartphone or device.  You may access the app by going to the Google Store or Apple App Store.

I hope I’m able to see all of you again soon.   


Bret Howard, Uniontown USD 235 Superintendent